WCB and BC Chiropractic Association

If you have been injured on the job and would like to see a Chiropractor for treatment, no referral is required. WCB and the BC Chiropractic Association have an agreement which means the cost of your treatment(s) is covered. Simply bring your claim number to your appointment and we will assess, diagnose and treat your injury.

If you have not yet received a claim number our staff can give you the appropriate contact number.

WCB will only pay for one form of treatment at a time, so if you have already seen your medical doctor or physiotherapist, your chiropractic treatment may not be covered. This does not mean we can’t help you! Often times you can still utilize your extended health benefits or MSP coverage. Receiving chiropractic treatment in conjunction with your existing care is up to you. Speak to your WCB case worker or nurse advisor to discuss your treatment options.

NOTE: This article is for general information purposes only, and is NOT intended to replace the examination and advice of a Registered Health Care Provider.